Hannity and Colmes interviews WalidShoebat about his experiences as a former PLO terrorist,
how the world should be fighting terrorism now, etc. Of course, ...
Former PLO terrorist WalidShoebat sits down for an interview to discuss his early career
as a terrorist acting for the Palestinian Government, and later ...
How and Why The Towers Fell... Conspiracy Of Bush and the Jews? As Muslims
are saying? Or was it Airplanes hitting the towers and the contributing physics.
Ahmed was an active Muslim Evangelist and Extremist who hated
Christians and Jews and wanted to convert Christians to Islam. How Jesus Christ Changed him to follow him and to become Ambassador
of Christ.
World Net Daily editor Joseph
Farah's one of three messages at Jan's Fall "Understanding the Times 2006" conference. For more information including ordering
CDs, see our Web site, www.olivetreeviews.org
World Net Daily editor Joseph
Farah's one of three messages at Jan's Fall "Understanding the Times 2006" conference. For more information including ordering
CDs, see our Web site, www.olivetreeviews.org
Your mind is like a hard drive
of a computer, and the software is the information your mind has received. Learn to delete "mental" viruses that could cause
your mind to malfunction. 28 min 30 sec
How The Micropchip Implant is being prepared for You!